Foundations are often the means of choice for social entrepreneurship. We advise on foundation and non-profit law so that founders can develop and implement innovative solutions for social challenges. Together with our clients, we develop foundation concepts that reconcile entrepreneurial thinking and social progress. Foundations are a means of permanently securing private or corporate assets and contributing them to the promotion of the common good. Our know-how is available to you for both the establishment and the ongoing administration of your foundation. We know how the foundation supervisory authorities in Germany "tick" and what effect your foundation will have for you in terms of tax law.
In particular, the establishment of a foundation can act as a succession instrument and facilitate future challenges of succession planning. Strategic goals and funding purposes pursued with the establishment of a foundation are individual and diverse - we provide the best legal solutions to realise your foundation ideas.
We exploit the possibilities offered by foundation and non-profit law so that you can use your foundation to advance the goals that are important to you.
Our law firm assists you in the formation as well as restructuring of a non-profit corporation, the financing of charitable activities and their use of funds, taking into account tax aspects and obligations. Our lawyers have specialised knowledge in the implementation of sustainable foundation purposes. The content-related design of your foundation model is just as much a part of our core competences as a possible conversion of your previous foundation model. Effective foundation management is the benchmark of our lawyers in foundation and non-profit law.