Luxury brands


dtb rechtsanwälte looks after a carefully curated portfolio of luxury brands. Private banks and auction houses as well as industrial companies from the premium segment appreciate our individual strategic advice on trademark and copyright issues.


Luxury brands require special legal expertise. When building and maintaining luxury brands, we develop a long-term perspective. It is important to position oneself strategically in a market in order to have a lasting advantage over the competition. As long-standing advisors to numerous exclusive national and international brands, we are masters of building and developing effective and seamless brand portfolios. Even before the application is filed, we identify the best trademark configuration for you in order to avoid costly and time-consuming proceedings.


Of course, we know how to protect our clients' trademarks from copying and misuse in the best possible way. Whatever is necessary, we will do to prosecute infringements of your trade marks. We will also assist you in monitoring your trade marks.


Protecting your trademarks is critical to success. Trademarks are not merely strategic assets, but embody the essence of your company and your product world.