
Bertold Schmidt-Thomé in BW Bank Foundation Magazine

Doing good and earning money: Hybrid company models can be used to increase assets and make a social commitment at the same time. Bertold Schmidt-Thomé and Maximilian Brazel, experts in foundation law, write about this in the magazine "Stiftungsmanagement Impulse" published by BW Bank (an LBBW Group company).


A classic approach is the establishment of dual foundations, i.e. the combination of a private-benefit family foundation and a charitable foundation.


Both operate independently alongside each other and each hold shares in a holding company with disproportionate voting rights. In addition, the dtb team is increasingly focussing on hybrid company forms. In particular, the flexibility of the dependent foundation (trust foundation) can offer attractive structuring elements due to its tax approximation to the "classic" independent foundation.


Of course, the ball for opening up more far-reaching possibilities lies in the political arena: in their coalition agreement, the coalition parties have stated that economic development and ecological responsibility should be brought together. So far, there has been a lack of additional incentives to pave the way for more private prosperity to overcome global challenges.