
Schmidt-Thomé And van Lee in Stiftung & Sponsoring

In a new issue of Stiftung & Sponsoring (SuS), Bertold Schmidt-Thomé and Leon van Lee talk about hybrid business models for economic and social added value.


Successful, responsible entrepreneurship strengthens our social cohesion. To ensure that companies continue to form the backbone of civil society in the future, business successors in particular must be given room to develop. Up to now, company heirs have too often been faced with arrangements whose main purpose is to optimize inheritance for tax purposes.


Entrepreneurial success and a sense of social responsibility are two sides of the same coin. Many companies are turning to the statutes of social promotion and ecological sustainability. There are attractive hybrid models that combine entrepreneurial success and social commitment. Using assets for good does not mean having to forego assets.


To the entire SuS article (issue 6/2022)